From the Communities of Calling: Part 3 Calls of the Congregation

"Do you remember that meeting? There was a lot of energy in excitement and just  longing for people to explore vocation together and callings together. And so we thought, oh, this would be a good thing to, to apply for..."

Liz Miller - Edgewood United Church East Lansing Michigan

In this episode of From the Communities of Calling we'll be  taking a look at how congregations as a whole, as opposed to individuals, respond to God's call in their ideas and their actions. We'll hear about churches hosting a symposium on online church to partnering with everything from a  small textiles and baking business and huge corporations all the way to tending a flame in parishioners homes for years..

The “From the Communities of Calling” series looks at 12 communities over 5 years praying, exploring, working, and resting their way to a better understanding of what it means to be a person of faith being called by God. Learn more about the Communities of Calling:



Epiphany and Baptism of the Lord


Endings and Beginnings