Holy Week at saint ben’s

With Holy Week beginning with our Palm Sunday liturgy, we wanted to be sure you have access to all of the information for what you can attend.

April 2 - Palm Sunday - liturgies at both 4pm (the family-friendly version) and 7pm

April 4 - Stations of the Cross - You can come to the church anytime between 6:30 and 7:45, to walk the Stations of the Cross with a small group

April 5 - 7pm - this liturgy is canceled due to the snow

April 6 - 5:45pm - a Maundy Thursday liturgy shared with All Saints - feel free to arrive as early as 5:00, for a glass of wine and a bit of food prior to the beginning of the liturgy.

April 7 - 4pm - Good Friday - an hour long liturgy of the Passion, with music led by Steve Bell.

April 8 - 7pm - Easter Eve - A simple celebration for Easter Eve, with the lighting of the Pascal Candle, proclamation of the resurrection Gospel, and sharing of communion, followed by a time of sharing food and drink. Please bring a bit of food or some wine to share!

April 9 - Easter Day - Our 7pm liturgy of the Resurrection, with lots of music!


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