What is the Digital Commons?

Andrew Colman in conversation with Ilana Wiebe

My name is Andrew Colman, and I am the new Digital Commons Coach and Consultant here at saint benedict's table, and I could not be happier about it!

As a bit of an introduction of myself and this new role, Ilana Wiebe - another member of sbt - and I recorded a short podcast. In it, we talk about what is a Digital Commons and what my role as coach and consultant for the next five months will be. 

In short, we'll be building a team of people who want to participate in sharing the artistic gifts of saint benedict's table, in all its forms, with the rest of the world! From brainstorming ideas, photography, video, interviewing and recording, mixing and mastering, to posting content on the website, we'll need the lot. 

And if you'd like to participate in one of these areas but you don't have the skills, there is training to be had.

So, if you're ready to go or have a few questions first, please contact me as soon as you are ready.

You can email me at andrewcolmanmin(at)gmail(dot)com, or find me after church on Sunday. I'll be happy to connect and answer all of your questions!

I look forward to meeting you soon,


PS I produced the introduction music for this podcast. You can hear the whole track at the end. It is called In the Name Of. Maybe we'll hear about it in the future sometime...


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