A Benedictine Monk's Long View.

Cultural Heritage Present and Future: A Benedictine Monk's Long View

In the autumn of 2019 Father Columba Stewart, OSB, delivered the Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities at the Warner Theatre in downtown Washington, DC. Columba Stewart is a monk of St John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota, which is a place familiar to many from our own saint ben’s community. Fr. Columba is a scholar of early religions, and the Executive Director of the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML) at St. John’s. Fr. Columba’s lecture picks up at 13:04 in the video.

You can also listen to this CBC “Ideas” podcast which excepts the lecture, punctuating it with a conversation hosted by Nahlah Ayed.

Alongside of being a world-class scholar, Fr. Columba also happens to be a genuinely kind and open individual… and isn’t that good to know!


Nora Young


The Diefenbunker and never giving up