Online Evening Prayer
Online Evening Prayer
An opportunity to share in the practice of a simple liturgical prayer is offered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5pm on Facebook Live.
And do scroll down for more information and a few tips on how best to engage this practice on Facebook Live.
The pandemic brought with it new challenges and new opportunities. In was a difficult time, but it provided an opportunity to re-discover the joy of praying together on a regular basis. The virtual space makes possible what we once thought impractical, if not impossible, and for that we are grateful.
Join us Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 5pm (CDT) for Evening Prayer on our Facebook page. Once you are there you can click to join the livestream post at 5pm (it should be the top one in our feed). Please note: Every week we also provide readings and prayers for you to use on your own on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays but we do not currently livestream those days.
These prayers have been adapted from numerous sources including the Book of Alternative Services of the Anglican Church of Canada, The Saint Helena Breviary and the New Zealand Prayer Book.
Please note that all are most welcome to join us for these liturgies, so even if you’ve never wandered through the doors of our church, you can consider yourself a part of our community simply by connecting on Facebook.
Here are a few other tips for using Facebook live:
You should be able to see and hear the leader on Facebook but we can’t see or hear you. You can communicate with us by using the comment field just below the post. You’ll want to be able to see both the Facebook feed and the order of service.
The livestream works best using Chrome or Firefox not Safari.
If the sound is glitchy, try re-winding the video by 15-30 seconds.