If you’re interested in revisiting the podcasts from our November Babel 2.0 conference day, simply head to the conference page
Digital Commons > Podcasts
Recent Episodes
Our Podcasting Journey
At saint ben’s we’ve been podcasting since 2006 and now have some 600 episodes online. We put a renewed focus on this ministry in 2019.
Part of that renewal was to develop content channels under our identity as a publisher. Each channel carries different thematic content:
From the Table: This channel is designated for what you might think of as being our “in-house” and regular content like sermons, music clips and workshops.
Ruah: Gifts to the wider church; content largely aimed at an audience of fellow believers. The name evokes the restless, innovative, searching and creative presence emblematic of the Holy Spirit and the sense of discovery and sharing we hope to embody in this content channel.
Ancient/Future: Gifts to the culture; content aimed at those both within and outside the church. This will feature shows that explore new ideas and applications of the ancient wisdom to which we cleave to the issues, developments and challenges of our present and future society.
Our renewed focus on podcasting gave us the opportunity to design new icons, and we are grateful to Janell Loewen for creating these outstanding visual symbols of what we’re doing.
Listen Now
The saint benedict’s table podcast is available wherever you get your audio, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts. You can also listen directly from our host page.
Our Mission
Through our renewed engagement in the digital commons, saint benedict’s table provides rich and stimulating audio resources to the wider church and engages topics and issues relevant to the concerns and questions of the larger culture in which we live.
A Sermon by Andrew Colman based on Luke 6:27-39