A virtual Robbie Burns Night!

A few times in years past we hosted “Robbie Burns” evenings in January, giving people the opportunity to gather, listen to one another’s readings and songs, eat good food (including haggis…), sip a dram or two, and generally enjoy a fun event in this chilly month of January. This year we’ll turn to a Zoom format for the event, which is scheduled for Thursday January 27 at 7pm. Admittedly Robbie Burns day is actually the 25th, but we’ll flex to work it into the schedule.

You are invited to “attend”, and bring along a poem or brief reading to share… or just attend and enjoy. Maybe have a glass of wine or some other beverage at hand, which is always a nice thing! We’ll spend the first half of our session sharing those readings, and then spend the remainder simply visiting together on a January evening.

If you’d like to join in, you can pre-register by clicking here. In the days prior to the event, you’ll be sent the zoom link to join.

There may even be a haggis!


Kintsugi: an art image for our times


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