A new album by Mike Koop


Mike Koop’s new album of original songs written for use in our saint ben’s Sunday liturgy is now available for download and streaming. You can access the album - with the slightly unlikely title of "Brutal” - for streaming or purchase through Apple Music, as well as on Amazon Music or by searching with your own Spotify account.

You can get a preview of the album on this podcast, originally released on January 9, 2021:

Here are the songs included on the album:


1. Before God
2. Absalom
3. Kyrie/Trisagion
4. Jacob's Well
5. Sanctus/Benedictus
6. I Know It's You (acoustic)
7. Break Every Burden - Is. 58:6
8. Rise Up Anointed
9. Prepare the Way
10. To the Faithful

The album was recorded "live off the floor" in Rob Kwade's home studio in one session in October 2020, shortly before Code Red restrictions were set in place in our province.

There are many elements to life, to our Faith - to existence itself - that are brutal. But that doesn't mean that we don't also see the beauty, the awesomeness (using the original definition of the word) and how astounding it all is and can be. - Mike Koop


Ash Wednesday


The Good News of Candlemas