Mission Fund Grants - 2024

Our Mission Fund Grants for 2024 have now been approved and disbursed! This fund represents 6% of our offering income. After using a portion of the funds earlier in the year, the allocations for this period totaled $10,500.

1. EMAS/ El Shaddai Church, Haiti - $3000 – During a critical time for Haiti, we are sending this grant to support the school and meal programs run by El Shaddai Church and two major projects they are undertaking including repairing the water tower reservoir and a solar energy project to expand El Shaddai’s solar energy capacity, converting their ministry centre to a completely green energy site.

2. Bell Tower Community Café - $2000 - neighbourhood food bank and community building project run through Westminster United Church.

3. Epiphany Indigenous - $2000 – Additional support for the church’s pantry program to supplement our Sunday evening basket collections.

4. A Rocha - $1500 - a Christian nature conservation organization working to live out God's call to care for creation and equip others to do likewise. A Rocha envisions a hope-filled world where communities flourish and people and nature thrive together.

5. Inter-Varsity Canada – $1500 - Financial support for this ministry allows them to seek out students who are in need of community and connection, facilitate spaces of spiritual engagement on campus, and develop and invest in students' character and leadership potential.

6. Anglican Foundation – $500 - The Anglican Foundation of Canada provides resources for innovative ministries, Anglican presence, and diverse infrastructure projects across the Canadian Anglican Church. The suggested annual membership in the foundation is only $50, so our grant represents a robust membership.


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