A Music Podcast Playlist for Lent

A music podcast playlist, created for the season of Lent. All of the songs in this podcast are by musicians from saint benedict's table, both past and present.

  1. Gord Johnson - Psalm 57 (O Lord Have Mercy)

  2. Jenny Moore - I am Pried Open

  3. Mike Koop - Jacob’s Well

  4. Anass Quinten – Song of Confession

  5. Rob Kwade – Forgive me

  6. Lois Gillespie – Temptation

  7. Gord Johnson – Make Way

  8. Samantha Klassen – Into Thy Hands

  9. Mike Koop - Kyrie/Trisagion

  10. Alana Levandoski – When Love Meets Dust

  11. Steve Bell - Into The Darkness

To read the lyrics of these songs on a downloadable PDF, simply click here.

To read more about Mike Koop’s new album, Brutal, from which his songs on this playlist were drawn, click here.


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