Memorial Service for George Edenhoffer
The video of the Memorial Service for George Edenhoffer
Home By Another Road
Feast of the Epiphany sermon by Rachel Twigg on Isaiah 60:1-6 and Matthew 2:1-12
“En arche en ho logos” – a sermon
Sermon by Jamie Howison on Galatians 4:4-7 and John 1:1-14
My Most Memorable Memory
Christmas Eve Sermon by Racheal Twigg on Isaiah 9:2-7 and Luke 2:1-20
Advent 4 Sermon - Enoughness
A sermon by Racheal Twigg on 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 and Luke 1:39-56
Rivers: A music podcast
A music podcast for Advent, featuring the song "Rivers," written, performed, and recorded by Rob Kwade in his home studio.