Weakness and Grace: a conversation
Chris Vais
A podcast featuring a 2001 conversation drawn from the archives of Signpost Music, in which Steve Bell interviews the Rev'd Chris Vais about living with A.L.S. (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), and what he'd come to understand about life and faith as his body weakened. It also features a conversation between Steve and Glen Soderholm, which includes Glen's recording of his song "Psalm 121".
We are grateful to Signpost Music for giving us permission to use their material, which was originally released on ListeningIn Volume 2: an audio magazine, and then re-released as part of the Solace for Seasons of Suffering project. We're also grateful to Glen Soderholm for giving his permission to use the portion of the audio that includes his song.
Psalm 121 - Glen Soderholm
I look unto the hills
Where does my help come from
From the One who has made
Heaven and earth
He will not let
Let you stumble
For He will not sleep
He who keeps Israel
Will not slumber
The Lord is your keeper
The shade at your side
Under the sun
Under the moonlight
The Lord will keep you
Keep your life
When you go out
And when you return
Forever more
Glen Soderholm
An additional note from Jamie Howison: As mentioned in the podcast, I had a long history with Chris Vais, going right back to our Sunday School days at Westwood Presbyterian Church. His illness and eventual death marked the first time that a close peer had faced anything like this, and so impacted me profoundly. Just hearing his voice again in this recording - a recording I’ve had since it was first released in 2001 - is both deeply moving and a powerful reminder of my own fragility and mortality. I’m glad to be able to share it with you.