Repeat as Often as is Necessary
Rachel Twigg's Sermon for the 7th Sunday in Eastertide on John 17:1-11
If You Love Me - Easter 6 Sermon
Jamie Howison's Sermon for May 17, 2020 on Psalm 142:1-6a and John 14:15-21
The Good Shepherd
A sermon by Jamie Howison for the 4th Sunday in Easter on Psalm 23 and John 10:1-10
Made Known to Us in the Making of the Bread
Rachel Twigg's sermon for the 3rd Sunday in Eastertide, on Luke 24:13-35
How long, O Lord?
Jamie Howison’s sermon for the 2nd Sunday in Eastertide, on Psalm 13 and John 20:19-31.
For a Time Like this: Lazarus, come out!
A sermon on John 11:1-45 by Jamie Howison, for the 5th Sunday in Lent
For A Time Like This: We are the Church
Rachel Twigg's sermon on John 9:1-41, for the Fourth Sunday in Lent; the first Sunday that our community was unable to gather in the church building, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Snakes on a Pole
Rachel Twigg’s sermon on Psalm 121, Numbers 21:5-9 and John 3:1-17, for the 2nd Sunday in Lent.