Book Celebration

Within the past two years, six writers from our community have brought books into print! Now that we are again able to safely host gatherings, it is time to celebrate these authors and to make their work available!

This will be an in-person book event at the church featuring the authors and readings from their books. We will also be streaming on both Facebook Live and YouTube. We will, of course, have copies available for purchase that evening, as well as on the next three Sunday evenings leading up to Christmas Day.

The books will include: John Badertscher’s Ten Steps on Freedom Road; Adeline Berg’s The Orange Couch on Wheels; Jan Woltmann’s A Brain Tumour Changes Everything; Jamie Howison’s A Kind of Solitude; Angeline Schellenberg’s Fields of Light and Stone; and Samantha Klassen’s The Threads of Vocation: a comic.


"The Holidays Can Be Hard" - a liturgy


Emotional Wellness gathering