Pre-Authorized Remittance Service (PAR)
A easy and cost-effective way to make donations to saint benedict’s table
Download, print, and fill out the PAR form
Attach a blank cheque marked “VOID”
Mail or scan and email the form with the void cheque. You can find our contact information by clicking here.
Questions & Answers
The Basics
What is PAR?
It is a service being offered by SBT whereby a person can make monthly donations to the church on an automated basis. This service is operated by the United Church of Canada, which has graciously offered to share PAR with congregations from other denominations.
Why is PAR being offered?
It is convenient for donors as it eliminates the need to write out monthly cheques.
Associated Costs
How much will PAR cost me?
The only cost is whatever your financial institution charges for processing the monthly debit to your banking account.
How much does PAR cost SBT?
The charge is 50¢ per donation per month to a maximum flat fee of $45.00 (90 X 50¢). In other words, if donations in a given month using PAR exceed 90, the fee does not exceed $45.00. There are no other charges to SBT, making it an attractive inexpensive service.
How to Use PAR
How do I begin using PAR?
Complete the attached PAR Authorization form. Because all new authorization forms must be received by the PAR office no later than the 15th of the month, they need to be submitted to Saint Ben’s by the 5th of the month in order for us to process them on our end.
Note: ignore “Envelope #”
What is the church’s name and address?
Name of local church: St Benedict’s Table
Address: 521 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 1B9
Should I use Option 1 or Option 2?
Option 1: Pre Authorized debit—use this option if you typically make donations to SBT using cheques.
Option 2: Visa/MasterCard/American Express—should you choose this option, a 2 -3% service charge reduces the total of your donation to SBT.
I notice there are three categories which my donation can be made to, which one should I choose?
Choose “Local Church”. This amount will be the same as the number you entered in your “Gift Amount $” higher up on the form.
Where do I put my completed forms?
The completed form and void cheque can be scanned and sent to or mailed to 521 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 1B9.
The Nitty-Gritty
What time of month will my account be debited for my donation?
The 20th of the month.
Can I make changes to my monthly donation amount or financial institution?
Yes, the same PAR Authorization Form is used in making changes of this type. A supply of these forms will be found by the offering basket.
Where will my tax receipts for donations made through PAR come from?
Annual tax receipts will be prepared and issued by saint benedict’s table.
I want to make one lump sum donation, should I use PAR?
No, it is best to arrange an e-tranfer or issue a one time cheque to Saint Benedict’s Table
If I have any questions about PAR, who do I speak to?
Speak to Jamie.